Python 编程环境#
Python 的最佳发行版本 Anaconda.
Anaconda 的特点
安装 Anaconda#
To install Anaconda, download the binary and follow the instructions.
Important points:
Install the latest version!
If you are asked during the installation process whether you’d like to make Anaconda your default Python installation, say yes.
Updating Anaconda#
Anaconda supplies a tool called conda
to manage and
upgrade your Anaconda packages.
One conda
command you should execute regularly is the one
that updates the whole Anaconda distribution.
As a practice run, please execute the following
Open up a terminal
conda update anaconda
For more information on conda
, type conda help
in a terminal.
Jupyter Notebooks#
Jupyter notebooks are one of the many possible ways to interact with Python and the scientific libraries.
They use a browser-based interface to Python with
The ability to write and execute Python commands.
Formatted output in the browser, including tables, figures, animation, etc.
The option to mix in formatted text and mathematical expressions.
Because of these features, Jupyter is now a major player in the scientific computing ecosystem.
Figure 1 shows the execution of some code (borrowed from here) in a Jupyter notebook

Fig. 1 A Jupyter notebook viewed in the browser#
While Jupyter isn’t the only way to code in Python, it’s great for when you wish to
get started
test new ideas or interact with small pieces of code
share scientific ideas with students or colleagues
Starting the Jupyter Notebook#
Once you have installed Anaconda, you can start the Jupyter notebook.
search for Jupyter in your applications menu, or
open up a terminal and type
jupyter notebook
Windows users should substitute “Anaconda command prompt” for “terminal” in the previous line.
If you use the second option, you will see something like this

The output tells us the notebook is running at http://localhost:8888/
is the name of the local machine8888
refers to port number 8888 on your computer
Thus, the Jupyter kernel is listening for Python commands on port 8888 of our local machine.
Hopefully, your default browser has also opened up with a web page that looks something like this

What you see here is called the Jupyter dashboard.
If you look at the URL at the top, it should be localhost:8888
similar, matching the message above.
Assuming all this has worked OK, you can now click on New
at the top
right and select Python 3
or similar.
Here’s what shows up on our machine:

The notebook displays an active cell, into which you can type Python commands.
Notebook Basics#
Let’s start with how to edit code and run simple programs.
Running Cells#
Notice that, in the previous figure, the cell is surrounded by a green border.
This means that the cell is in edit mode.
In this mode, whatever you type will appear in the cell with the flashing cursor.
When you’re ready to execute the code in a cell, hit Shift-Enter
instead of the usual Enter

(Note: There are also menu and button options for running code in a cell that you can find by exploring)
Modal Editing#
The next thing to understand about the Jupyter notebook is that it uses a modal editing system.
This means that the effect of typing at the keyboard depends on which mode you are in.
The two modes are
Edit mode
Indicated by a green border around one cell, plus a blinking cursor
Whatever you type appears as is in that cell
Command mode
The green border is replaced by a grey (or grey and blue) border
Keystrokes are interpreted as commands — for example, typing
adds a new cell below the current one
To switch to
command mode from edit mode, hit the
key orCtrl-M
edit mode from command mode, hit
or click in a cell
The modal behavior of the Jupyter notebook is very efficient when you get used to it.
Inserting Unicode (e.g., Greek Letters)#
Python supports unicode, allowing the use of characters such as \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) as names in your code.
In a code cell, try typing \alpha
and then hitting the
key on your keyboard.
A Test Program#
Let’s run a test program.
Here’s an arbitrary program we can use: http://matplotlib.org/3.1.1/gallery/pie_and_polar_charts/polar_bar.html.
On that page, you’ll see the following code
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# Fixing random state for reproducibility
# Compute pie slices
N = 20
θ = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, N, endpoint=False)
radii = 10 * np.random.rand(N)
width = np.pi / 4 * np.random.rand(N)
colors = plt.cm.viridis(radii / 10.)
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar')
ax.bar(θ, radii, width=width, bottom=0.0, color=colors, alpha=0.5)

Don’t worry about the details for now — let’s just run it and see what happens.
The easiest way to run this code is to copy and paste it into a cell in the notebook.
Hopefully you will get a similar plot.
Working with the Notebook#
Here are a few more tips on working with Jupyter notebooks.
Tab Completion#
In the previous program, we executed the line import numpy as np
NumPy is a numerical library we’ll work with in depth.
After this import command, functions in NumPy can be accessed with
type syntax.
For example, try
We can explore these attributes of np
using the Tab
For example, here we type np.ran
and hit Tab

Jupyter offers up the two possible completions, random
and rank
In this way, the Tab key helps remind you of what’s available and also saves you typing.
On-Line Help#
To get help on np.rank
, say, we can execute np.rank?
Documentation appears in a split window of the browser, like so

Clicking on the top right of the lower split closes the on-line help.
Other Content#
In addition to executing code, the Jupyter notebook allows you to embed text, equations, figures and even videos in the page.
For example, here we enter a mixture of plain text and LaTeX instead of code

Next we Esc
to enter command mode and then type m
to indicate that
we are writing Markdown,
a mark-up language similar to (but simpler than) LaTeX.
(You can also use your mouse to select Markdown
from the Code
drop-down box just below the list of menu items)
Now we Shift+Enter
to produce this